Monday, August 3, 2009


Fishing @ Lees Ferry went great on Thursday. I got home about 11pm that night and woke up around 6am to get the family ready to go camping in the White Mountains. More specifically just south of Wahl knoll (the 409 road). We got to the camp site around 2:30 pm and just relaxed in 65 degree weather for the rest of the day. Saturday morning I went fishing @ Big Lake with Wallace and his boys along with my Thomas and Stanley. I knew I wouldn't be fishing with all those boys, but would be re-baiting hooks and untangling lines. We didn't catch any fish as the large crawdads figured they would get to the worms before the fish did.

Enough of the fishing...that evening around 5pm I tried to talk Wallace into taking a 5.5 mile run with me @ 9158 feet. He respectfully declined. I still called him a pansy and took of all by myself. I knew I would be fighting elevation, or atleast that's what all the books say, so I took a nice slow pace and settled in for the longest run of my career. It's actually quite intimidating knowing that your going to just keep going further and further. 26.2 miles still seems unreachable. At any rate, on to the injury. At 2.12 miles, I was just finishing a 250 yard downhill trot with a sharp right turn headed up the other side of the draw. It just so happens that Caleb (Jack and Karen's boy) shot his first elk with me in that same draw the previous year. I decided to look back over my left shoulder to see if any elk had decided to come back. As soon as I took a little gander of my left shoulder, I felt my lower back slip down and to the left. It wasn't a sharp pain or even a blow type of pain. In fact I wouldn't call it even painful at the time. It felt more like my back just re-adjusted. I knew within 20 more yards, however, that something was wrong. I decided I'd better call it quits so and began walking up the hill. It slowly started to tighten up. I layed down in the pine needles and decided to stretch. It definitely felt better to lay down, but I knew I still had to get home. I started walking back, then realized it didn't hurt any worse running that it already did walking. I figured what the hey and started my watch again @ 2.25 miles. I figured if this was going to be my longest run ever, I was not going to let it stop me. I ran for 6 miles total, knowing my back was messed up. I'm pretty upset about the whole thing as I felt like I was really taking care of myself and my body. I'm pretty sure that along with a generally weak core and looking over my shoulder was all I needed. Today I can only stand on my feet for about an hour or two before I just start to really tighten up and get tired. I'll go see my chiropractor tomorrow.

Maybe running just isn't for me...I've never been hurt fishing...


  1. There ain't no way I could run 6 miles that high. I went for 7 today at 5000 feet and only made it 6 before I stopped for more water. It was about 88 degrees. Good luck on your back. Let us know.

  2. I've never been hurt eating breakfast. Well, except for that one time Daryl was trying to tickle me and the chair broke down. Man, that hurt!

    I haven't advanced to the outdoors yet. I just run on the treadmill. I'm going to be able to run so fast that nobody notices, so I won't be embarrassed. (By the way, I went looking on E-bay for a bro. The only thing that came up was hip hop music.)

    My back hurt from the time I tried to tackle that dump truck until about two years ago. I tried the chiropractor and muscle rubs and just holding still, but the thing that finally helped was weights. Not advising. Just sayin'.

    I hope your back gets feeling better. Next time I see an elk, I'll shoot him.

  3. I definitely think that hitting the weights as well as getting my body fat down is going to be my ticket. Thanks for being willing to shoot the elk for me as well. That's how I can tell you really love me! Good luck on finding your Bro...maybe you can look in the hood in Tucson...
