Here is my post that I put up on the other blog this morning.
"51F, wind W 8 mph, 5.11 miles in 1:00:18, average pace 11:49/mile, low heart rate. I felt very fatigued last night, especially my legs, even though I hadn't run hard yesterday. But I got a rare 8 hours of sleep and when I ran my first mile in 12:22 I knew it would go well. My best mile was 11:30, a low heart rate record for me. The overall pace is also a record by 23 seconds per mile. Now off to the stores.
Yesterday I was at the end of a long checkout line in a sporting goods store when somebody opened a register right next to me, looked at me and said "no waiting". I was right there. Then a lady about my age (i.e., indeterminate age) started kicking up a fuss, saying she was ahead of me in the old line. I'm like what the heck, doesn't she know holiday shopping is a competitive sport? Then I realized of course she knew. She thought since I was a man I wouldn't know. Smirking here in Houston."
Merry Christmas everybody.
Merry Christmas!