Sunday, November 22, 2009

what happens when you're too busy to run

This guy came out to look at me. He just stared at me; it was 11:30 at night so I didn't call Nathan. But I really wished I had a treadmill so I could make use of my (resultant) rapid heart rate and get some running in! Now it's Sunday and I just keep eating. And studying all day gives me the munchies. Bad. And not running does the same thing, sigh.


  1. Ekkk! Looks like a wolf spider. Scary but won't kill you. But you should get in some runs so next time you are sure you can run away quickly!

  2. Little sister, you need to take that test, like bad, so you can hit the streets in your tennies. Cute spider, though.

  3. Update to the and the boys went over for brownies and ice cream and I looked in the sweeper that Elaine found the courage to sweep over the top of the spider. I really didn't think I would find it, but low and behold it was there and it was dead! Hopefully E can sleep a little better tonight.

  4. So now that Elaine's house is infested with poisonous critters, where are we all going to stay on January 30?

  5. I'm getting Orkin...and that wasn't poisonous, just creepy. And I have four bathrooms. And a really great tv, which "they" watch. AND....I live here. Ha.

  6. Awwww, he was a cutie!!
    I asphyxiated a massive spider in the tree in our front yard; it has formed a web between the tree and my front door - it made me cringe each day so it had to go. The next day, I learned it was the boys' "pet" and I've never been the same since *sigh*.
